Your To Do List in My Buckeye Link houses items or actions that need to be completed. Leaving items or actions on this list uncompleted can result in a hold being placed on your account and prevent you from enrolling in classes.
To view your To Do List:
- Go to
- Select My Buckeye Link under Quick Links
- Log in with your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password
- Review items under the To Do List on the right-hand side of the screen and select details
Below we've addressed some items you may find on your To Do List. Learn more about holds and your To Do List.
Financial Responsibility Statement
The Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS) is required before enrollment in courses can take place each term. Information on the Financial Responsibility Statement can be found on the Office of Business and Finance site.
To complete the FRS:
- Go to
- Select My Buckeye Link under Quick Links
- Log in with your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password
- Select Financial Responsibility Statement under the To Do List
- Agree to the three required statements
- Select Submit
Speak Up, Step In, and Create a Better Campus for All Training
Starting with enrollment for Spring 2020, all students are required to complete the online course, "U Got This: Your Online Guide to Speak Up, Step In, and Create a Better Campus for All,” annually. The interactive, easy-to-follow course takes approximately 45 minutes and will be available in BuckeyeLearn. It will be assigned to every student’s BuckeyeLearn transcript each year.
To access the course:
- Go to
- Log in with your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password
- Select the My Transcript button on the BuckeyeLearn homepage
If you do not complete this course before the deadline, your account will be placed on hold. It can take 1-2 business days for this hold to be removed from your account after you complete the training.
For more information on this training requirement, visit the university's Title IX website.
When taking courses on campus, Ohio State may require proof of vaccinations. If you see vaccinations on your To Do List and have questions, contact Student Health Services at or 614-292-0118.