Academic Advisors

We're here to help you achieve your academic goals!

Schedule an Advising Appointment

You can locate your assigned advisor by logging in to My Buckeye Link and selecting Details within the Advisor box. 

Prospective Extended Education students may call our Help Center at 614-292-8860 to schedule an advising appointment with our Extended Education Advisors, Jody Patrick or Troy Brooks

Current Extended Education students should use OnCourse to schedule advising appointments with Jody Patrick or Troy Brooks. You may also call the Help Center number listed above, if you are unable to schedule online.

Need help with OnCourse? We have resources!

  • An overview video for students that includes how to use the scheduler: Welcome Video
  • A video for students that show them how to use the Meet with Your Success Team feature in the scheduler to schedule with their Advisor: Schedule with Your Advisor Video

Pre-Health Advising

Troy Brooks will work with Extended Education students who are planning to go into the health/medical field. 

Regional Campuses

Regional campus students will be assigned an advisor from their respective campus. You can also contact the campus to schedule an appointment:

Columbus Campus Extended Education Advisors


Troy Brooks